“Tell me what’s happening about your book?” Such a caring question from thoughtful friends. Thank you but NO. Please, I don’t have anything to say. I feel a tad embarrassed.
A few months ago, my obsession was my novel about my hero-couple on the Camino – at that time, I was offering ongoing updates for friends and acquaintances. Now I have a background rumble of no news with a dash of guilt.
Back in the summer, I posted that I had, after much research and preparation, sent off a query to an agent. That was in May – phew, it was like sending the kids back to school after the summer holidays. “Off you go my dears, and have a lovely, fruitful, productive time.” Or words and feelings to that effect. Oh yes, but now the summer holidays are over, kids are back in school, so by a reversal of timing, it is time for me to get back to the whole book and writing activity.
Here I am in October and still no news from the agent. Well, no new news. On their website, I can check on my status which has been, and stubbornly still is: No decision has been made about your query at this time. Please check back later. I am still an author-in-waiting.
So now I must shake a leg and see what I should do. Look at other avenues for the book – other agents, straight to a publisher? In moments in the sloth of despair, I wonder what is the point. I have heard news stories that there is a shortage of paper! Paper! Publishers of all kinds can’t get the paper to print their books. Of course, there is online, but my loving thoughts for my book are also a hold-in-the-hand, an on-the-bookshelf, a casually on-the-coffee table – paper variety!
The paper shortage is all Covid and the supply chain. Or they ran out making all that toilet paper that people craved back then.
One piece of wisdom that is out there, is to start on another book straight away. This would be good advice but it has not happened yet in my universe. This dear blog does look after part of my writing needs. That was not my intention when I started it. The blog was to promote me as a writer, not be the be-all and end-all of my writing. However, I am enjoying it and it does let me ramble on, a most pleasant activity.
So – Julia – what’s going to happen here? Well, I’m thinking that the season and the diminishing daylight might become my friend. As the days get shorter and soon the weather will be chillier, well actually right out cold, my inclinations will turn towards indoors. The days of lake swimming, rowing in my little dingy and walking around in the meadows are over for the moment, time to let my imagination spark my fingers into action.
I just hope the imagination is at the rendezvous. I heard on the radio today that harmonious sounds spark the imagination. So ears perk up!