I am judgmental about what I select to read during the day light hours. In a recess of my mind, there is daytime-only reading and then after dark-reading materiel. This is a very strange attitude as reading in general is an enlightening activity.
At some time, I got the idea that daytime reading could be work related, news related, educational, but not apparently, just entertaining fiction. As in: stretched out on the sofa reading a novel! Well why not? Story telling is a profound human need. Apparently I feel it should only happen after dark and best of all, in bed before turning out the light.
Luckily, I didn’t need to carry out a deep self-analysis; Covid came along and I have totally rediscovered the joy of reading whatever and whenever. Now I find it perfectly charming to go to my sofa, recently positioned by the window, and settle in for a good old read.
With my novel in the works, I am curious to see how others authors organize their novels. Hence, a lot of fiction has been invited my way. Oh dear, I see that I have even tied that with a virtuous reason to read fiction. But I will practice this daylight luxury and it will become an excellent habit unburdened by guilt.
It has never occurred to me that reading should either be virtuous or enlightening. As long as a book gets my brain kicking out the endorphins – well that’s my definition of a good read.
And the Everest of a good read is when it’s way past your bedtime and you keep telling yourself one more chapter and finally realize it’s 2 AM….and still think about one more chapter. Or it’s 3PM and you are still in your pajamas.
No sin – not a drop.
That is a wonderful and healthy attitude to reading. And very encouraged by a future published author!!